Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Schwinn Srb 1800 Not Working

Good evening, THE CULTURE VI


welcome - on behalf of themselves and Przykultura - for VI in this release, and last time meeting with the "Good Evening With Culture."

With the advent of spring more and more in our parks, on squares and streets. We do not want to sit in the four walls. We go out of their homes, happy to walk, ride bicycles, what more? Is there a chance not to head for the building of the gallery, museum or cultural center and an outdoor reside THE CULTURE? During the May meeting we will look at various forms of animation in the public space.

multitude of topics that we intend to move, requires unusual formula adoption meeting. We adopt methods similar to BarCamp and Coffee Break Conference. Participants will have the freedom to get acquainted with various forms of activities in public open space and to exchange views, ideas and experiences with people who have managed to create interesting projects in this area.

The different tables will be presented to the creator of the following actions:
* Free Classifieds
hugs * City Game
* Yoga in the Park Festival
* Krakow * Krakow
Regular City Bicycle
* loca (r) the track
* Paint the Weiss
Podgorski * Open Days *
Podgorski sunrises

will be able to circulate between the "stalls", choose those that are important to you, stay with them, listen and ask, comment, suggest.

And all this in a club MASADA (corner. Krakowska and ul. Skawinska), as early as next Monday May 30 at 18:00 .

After the meeting, of course, will be After Party (in situ, ie in Masada) in the company of Przykultura sniper:)


Team With Culture


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