Wednesday, May 25, 2011

North Face Backpack Dubai


About recent post Charter of sailing a reader sent me, via email, a clarification on the use of the term 'Portulano' that should be correctly referred to as 'Letter portolan'. It is the reference literature, not letting to address my thanks to this reader of the blog.

Derived development of new geographical knowledge and scientific knowledge, will emerge in the late Middle Ages a new, true, cartography, with the emergence and spread in XIII-XIV centuries the so-called 'letter-portolan' Mediterranean (note that is the correct name of 'letter-portolan', and never the 'portolan' - because 'portulans' cartographic representations were not Mediterranean, but reports in the form of a written text, type script).
Marques, AP (1994), The Cartography of Discoveries, ELO.


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