Saturday, April 16, 2011


Charlotte Haigh "100 ways to immunity"

transition period between winter and warmer seasons of the year is a time of poor health, which manifests itself in high susceptibility to infections. So let's think in advance about improving resilience through traffic, avoiding stress and healthy nutrition. Charlotte Haigh book may be helpful in this.

In 100 ways to immunity author presents one hundred foods, stimulate our immune system. In essence, these are gifts of nature, easily accessible and not processed by humans. They have been grouped into several categories: roots, vegetables, leaves, fruits, berries, nuts, grains, cereals, herbs and spices, mushrooms, fish, seafood and poultry. Among the products of man can know the beneficial properties of certain oils, and yogurt. Each product is presented in terms of its effects on the human immune system - in the general hardening of the body, lowering cholesterol or supplying vitamins and nutrients. Bring them to our diet will certainly help the original provisions as at each of these products. Cocktail banana-almond, spinach risotto, pasta with mushrooms - if it does not sound tasty?

Muza 2011


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