Friday, April 15, 2011

Beat The Collapse Puzzles App

Rocky films

So yeah, we had a rouge prime minister thing going on. Probably he expected to go to the parliament and say "Hey folks, it digs Merkel, so go on and APPROVe this shit so I Can Go chill "
Oh wait. He did. And When the others went "What the Hell man?! These things are worse than PEC the Rocky films, why are there 4 of Them already? SHIT HAS BEEN THE SAME FOR YEARS WHAT THE FUCK DUDE "and the guy didn't APPROVe it threw a hissy fit and quit his job.

Via Tea Vice . A Portuguese

seventeen years old with blood in the gill vents on the situation of the country in which they live. A show that there are young people among us with more clarity than many grown.


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