Tuesday, March 1, 2005

Reheating Saussage Rolls

MONGOLIA - geography and economy

This landlocked country in Asia, the Middle Kingdom., Bordered to the north of Russia, from the south of China, pow. 1 565 000 km2, 2.6 million inhabitants. (2004), the capital of Ulan Bator (819 thousand. Inhab.) Depth. City: Darkhan, Erdenet, Baganuur; U official: Mongolian, moreover, to use the Kazakh and Russian; monetary unit: 1 tugryk mongów = 100, GDP per capita 1. 1900 dollars. (2002).
POPULATION: ethnic composition: 88.5% of the Mongols, including Chałchasów 78.8%, 6.9% of Turkic peoples, depth. Kazakhs, 1.7% Buryat, 1.4% Daringanga peoples, moreover, the Russians and Chinese, the city is inhabited by 52% of the population density of 1.6 people per km2 (one of the smallest in the world), the average length of life: men 61 years , women 64 years; religion: Lamaism, shamanism, Islam (no details).
STRUCTURE. Republic since 1992, a unicameral parliament (the Great Churał People) - 76 members., Elected for four years in the majority system, the head of state appointed by direct election every four years, the prime minister and the parliament appoints the government, since 1990, a multiparty system of government and the country is divided into 21 provinces (ajmaków) and the district capital.
NATURAL CONDITIONS. Developing the area. wyżynnogórskie (average height 1,580 m), occupies most of the area Wyż. Mongolian, from the north and west. passing in the Mongolian Altai mountain ranges (najw. peak - Najramdał 4356 m), Altai Gobijskiego, Changaju and Chenteju, in south-east. Part Wyż. Mongolian - Gobi Desert, the Mongolian Altai ranges and G. Chang is the Great Lakes Basin desert, dry climate, continental, to the north and west. moderately cold, to the south and east. moderate, warm, very dry, in winter to the north as a result of baby boom barometric over M. normally sunny, calm weather with frosts below -50 º C (average January temperature of -35 º C) in spring give way to boom due to strong winds and dust storms, annual rainfall is 50 mm above the Gobi desert to 500 mm in G. Chang; depth. River: Kerulen, relief (tributaries of the Amur), Selenga, Orchon, Tola (belonging to the catchment M. Arctic), Dzawchan, Tes, a drain Kobdo Ext., numerous lakes, mostly salt, a dozen of the area. over 100 km2 (najw. UWS, Chubsuguł, Char, Chirgis, Buir), steppe or desert vegetation, the mountain taiga forests of larch or a limbowej; rich world Animal: lynx, bears, deer, gazelles on the plains and marmots, moreover, ibises, dwugarbne camels, wild asses, asian.
ECONOMY. The basis of sheep and goats, cattle, horses, camels and mining (extraction of copper ore, molybdenum, iron, tungsten, manganese, zinc, lead, asbestos); small ind. textile, leather, food, building materials, poorly developed rail network (primarily the role of the railway line runs from Moscow to Beijing for Ulan Bator), road network a bit better, still plays an important role transport carrying saddlebags, a few universities, including the MP. Ulan Bator in Annex 1942.


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