Saturday, March 26, 2011

Debutante .speeches Example

marriage past and present that is meeting with Agnieszka Lisak

Eighth March as part of the Literary Salon (Joint fashionable Krakow and Cellar Under the Rams) held a meeting with Agnieszka Lisak, author of Love old Polish and Love, woman, and marriage in the nineteenth century .

© Poczytajka

Female nineteenth century is most often associated with careless with the logs and the beautiful, expensive dresses, and the whole era of appears to be fossilized and pruderyjna. Nothing could be more misleading! Agnieszka Lisak, writing his second book, aimed at overthrowing the stereotype and image of our ancestors from the pedestals. It turns out that the nineteenth century is the age of hypocrisy and double standards. In the world of men, there was freedom of manners - they betrayed their wives with actresses and prostitutes, but women also miewały their spicy secrets, and no less scandalous sins on his conscience - with the difference that their actions were not made public. You have to admit that the woman was much heavier force than man. You do not have to take part in the great expectations, the only career that could do it right to marry - k unmarried promises were not worth anything, which aptly captures the Orzeszkowa: woman is zero, if a man does not become next to it as complementary digit . Education they gained, it was impractical. Playing an instrument or calligraphy nohow not translate to the obligations that were incumbent on the woman after marriage, with the result that she could not keep the household, to count money (Which to the knowledge about the world at that time, women are ... a gift from God!), Not to mention the ignorance of the mysteries of the alcove, with the result that the young wives after the marriage fell into dismay.

© Poczytajka

During the meeting, leading James Wajdzik tried to provoke the audience for discussion, but sometimes it looked artificial, and some questions I associated with a school polling students, such as speech synthesis question Agnieszka Lisak, what's the difference between marriage in the nineteenth century and today. Although this meeting I think is very interesting and successful.

I regret that I discovered just Literary Salon at the eighth meeting, because I missed a meeting with overseas-Przyłuska Eve, Michael crushed, Slawomir dill and Andrzej Koziol. However, I hope that the initiative will not end after the quarter (as of today the schedule is written out only the first three months of this year.).


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