Saturday, April 3, 2010

Fashion Show Invitation Format

From a formal point of view of local government election campaign will begin on the date announced by the Prime Minister's regulation ordering the election. The Prime Minister should do so no later than 30 days before the expiration of the term, which will take place on 12 November 2010.
Local Government election campaign ends 24 hours before election day, when he is called. "Electoral silence". This means that until the end of voting may not convene meetings, organize marches or demonstrations, deliver speeches, handing out leaflets or otherwise canvass for candidates. It is also illegal to give public the results of pre-election polls predicted on voting behavior and election results and the results of exit polls conducted on the day of voting.
Despite the existence of these rules politicians for several months leading de facto campaign before the local elections. Party leaders in various cities host praising their rulers, who often promise on this occasion the desire to seek another term.
presidents and mayors of cities promoting various ideas, such as tourism or
higher education in the region, not forgetting to include billboards and posters of their photos. Others try to enlarge the boundaries of cities ruled by them for the favor of local villagers and now belonging to the city. Councillors also remind ourselves of their duty hours, refresh web pages, update profiles on social networking sites, publishing previously unavailable phone numbers and more frequent meetings with the residents. Implementation of many investments such as building a swimming pool or the road has accelerated so that the effects were evident even before the autumn. Sometimes break up the existing coalitions and new alliances have already set up a production with a view to
upcoming elections. Politicians change their party affiliation calculating the chances of victory.
course, difficult to identify which of these activities directly linked to the election campaign, especially since the Elections does not specify precisely what the electoral agitation. It is worth However, that intensify the work of politicians, only a few months before the local elections is quite clear message for voters, especially if the previous three years term of office of Local Government were much less busy. Particularly reprehensible is the financing of such a campaign hidden from public funds, which the politician has to deal
because of its position.